Japan Pop
The new post-Murakami creative generation on stage with the exhibition Japan Pop and Nipposuggestioni: Tomoko Nagao, Hiroyuki Takahashi,...
Musa POP
In Art, but perhaps also in life, irony is a very serious activity, which can only be carried out by intelligent and cultured people....
What influence does Pop Art still have nowadays? Let's try to answer The Art Newspaper's question with an exhibition. Bologna celebrates...
Keith Haring: Party of life Palermo
60 years after his birth, Palermo pays tribute to Keith Haring (1958-1990), one of the most significant contemporary artists of the 20th...
Keith Haring: Party of life Bologna
60 years after his birth, Bologna celebrates Keith Haring (1958-1990), one of the most loved contemporary artists by the general public....
Kirakirà: lo scintillante mondo di Murakami Takashi
The greatest contemporary Japanese artist on show in Bologna: the pop language of the Rising Sun for the first time in the city of...
The innovative project "Illusions" by Simona Tagliaferri brings on stage in Deutsche Bank a new way of experiencing art and in particular...
D I S – M E S S O
Five of them are watching the end! Five photographers for a single theme: the end. Their shots stop time on that moment when everything...
Andy Warhol
40 years ago Andy Warhol inaugurated the exhibition "Ladies and Gentlemen" 1975/2016 at Palazzo dei Diamanti in Ferrara and Arte Fiera...
Fine Art_BFC
Fine Art_BFC 1909 per il Trofeo Mongolfiera Onlus Giunto alla sua terza edizione, il Torneo dei Mestieri e delle Istituzioni di Bologna...